Fighting The System Part 2
Last January I advocated for a tax boycott on Hennepin County after the state legislator decided to force the county’s taxpayers to pay for an unwanted new stadium for the Twins. To call the stadium unwanted would not be an understatement, given that our political traitors refused to give the public the option to vote on it. Now that the new-year has arrived, efforts have been in full swing by the government to acquire the land for the construction to begin.
The plan is advancing better than I could have expected. Local heroes, investors representing Land Partners 2 have refused to sell the property to the state. They say that the state took them for a ride by assuming their corporation and offering only a pathetic $13.35 million for the site. With the state unwilling to go any higher on account of budget limitations, a struggle has been unleashed since Land Partners wants $50 million at least.
Needless to say, at this rate the new stadium will not be opening in the spring of 2010. The county is floating the idea of building on the Brookdale Mall site, but the Twins didn’t bite.
In a final act of desperation, the state may still pursue condemnation of the site. A risky move for them since the court may still value it at a price higher than they are willing to pay. In the meantime, angry taxpayers can sit back and enjoy the colorful metaphorical implosion of the Twins Stadium.
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